All disclosures pertaining to SEBI Regulations & Companies Act, 2013 can be found here.
Disclosure Document contains numerous information about the portfolio manager, on a broader level it includes information pertaining to the services offered, risk factors, fees and charges, investor services, performance data, financial performance & client representation data of the portfolio manager.
This document contains the Grievance redressal mechanism for Green Portfolio's PMS business segment framed in accordance with SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 and applicable SEBI Circulars.
The Investor Charter is a brief document in an easy to understand language. It details different services provided by the portfolio managers to the investors along with estimated timelines, like account opening, agreement with the portfolio manager, periodic statements to the investors, investor grievance redressal mechanism, responsibilities of investors etc. at one single place for ease of reference.
This document contains information pertaining to direct onboarding under Portfolio Management Services.
Implementation of AML/CFT measures requires registered intermediaries to demand certain information from investors which may be of personal nature or has hitherto never been called for. Such information can include documents evidencing source of funds/income tax returns/bank records etc. This can sometimes lead to raising of questions by the client with regard to the motive and purpose of collecting such information. There is, therefore, a need for Green Portfolio to sensitize their clients about these requirements as the ones emanating from AML and CFT framework.
This file contains information pertaining to Complaints received by the Portfolio Manager during the month of February 28, 2025 and also contains information pertaining to complaints resolved and pending at the end of the month.
This document includes the SOP released by the Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI) as a Centralized mechanism for reporting the demise of an investor through KRAs. This SOP has been released pursuant to the SEBI Circular dated October 03, 2023.
This document contains the Grievance redressal mechanism for Green Portfolio's Smallcase business segment under Research Analyst license framed in accordance with SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014 and applicable SEBI Circulars.
The Investor Charter is a brief document in an easy to understand language. It details different services provided by the portfolio managers to the investors along with estimated timelines, like account opening, agreement with the portfolio manager, periodic statements to the investors, investor grievance redressal mechanism, responsibilities of investors etc. at one single place for ease of reference.
This document contain information & disclosures as required to be made by Research Analyst pertaining to Advertisement code & trade name / logo.
This file contains information pertaining to Complaints received by the Smallcase manager under its Research Analyst license during the month of February, 2025 and also contains information pertaining to complaints resolved and pending at the end of the month.
This is in reference to the BSE Notice dated December 09, 2024, wherein all the SEBI registered Research Analysts are required to host a Grievance Redressal / Escalation Matrix on their website.
MGT-7A often referred to as the Annual Return of the Company, here you will able to see all the regulatory and business related information of Green Portfolio for the FY 2021-22, in brief, it includes details pertaining to Share capital, directors of the Company, Board Meetings & General Meetings, Turnover & Networth etc.
MGT-7 often referred to as the Annual Return of the Company, here you will able to see all the regulatory and business related information of Green Portfolio for the FY 2020-21, in brief, it includes details pertaining to Share capital, directors of the Company, Board Meetings & General Meetings, Turnover & Networth etc.
Notice is hereby given that the 8th Annual General Meeting of the Members of Green Portfolio Private Limited will be held on 26th September. 2022, at 11:00 am. at the Registered office of the Company situated at 7/7 Ground Floor, Ansari Road. Daryaganj, New Delhi-10002 to consider and transact the business as given in the attached notice.
Notice is hereby given that the 7th Annual General Meeting of the Members of Green Portfolio Private Limited will be held on 25th October. 2021, at 11:00 am. at the Registered office of the Company situated at 7/7 Ground Floor, Ansari Road. Daryaganj, New Delhi-10002 to consider and transact the business as given in the attached notice.
Notice is hereby given that the 01/2022-23 Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Members of Green Portfolio Private Limited will be held on 30th June. 2022, at 11:00 am. at the Registered office of the Company situated at 7/7 Ground Floor, Ansari Road. Daryaganj, New Delhi-10002 to consider and transact the urgent business as given in the attached notice.
Notice is hereby given that the 02/2022-23 Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Members of Green Portfolio Private Limited will be held on 17th November. 2022, at 03:00 pm. at the Registered office of the Company situated at 7/7 Ground Floor, Ansari Road. Daryaganj, New Delhi-10002 to consider and transact the urgent business as given in the attached notice.
Notice is hereby given that the 03/2022-23 Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Members of Green Portfolio Private Limited will be held on 19th January. 2023, at 11:00 am. at the Registered office of the Company situated at 7/7 Ground Floor, Ansari Road. Daryaganj, New Delhi-10002 to consider and transact the urgent business as given in the attached notice.
MGT-7A often referred to as the Annual Return of the Company can give you brief insight about the regulatory and business related information of Green Portfolio for the FY 2022-23, in brief, it includes details pertaining to Share capital, directors of the Company, Board Meetings, General Meetings, Turnover, Networth etc.
Notice is hereby given at a shorter duration that the 9th Annual General Meeting of the Members of Green Portfolio Private Limited will be held on 28th September. 2023, at 11:00 am. at the Registered office of the Company situated at 7/7 Ground Floor, Ansari Road. Daryaganj, New Delhi-10002 to consider and transact the business as given in the attached notice.
MGT-7A often referred to as the Annual Return of the Company can give you brief insight about the regulatory and business related information of Green Portfolio for the FY 2023-24, in brief, it includes details pertaining to Share capital, directors of the Company, Board Meetings, General Meetings, Turnover, Networth etc.