
The 100 Year Portfolio Asset Allocation

Invest in super low volatility instruments which provide stable growth.

Suitable For

Conservative Investor

Min. Investment


Recommended Investment





Current value of ₹ 100 invested at inception would be:

₹ 130.78

₹ 132.13

Note: All performance graphs & numbers are calculated using only the live data and includes rebalances. Past performance doesn't include cost or guarantee future returns.

About this smallcase

Why should you invest in this smallcase?

  • Low-risk stable returns during bad times.
  • Compliment your equity portfolio with a low-risk allocation to the 100 Year.
  • Beat inflation and let your excess cash earn stable returns
  • Tactical allocation depends on market cycles and macroeconomic factors.

The 100 Year Portfolio is a stable portfolio meant to whether market volatility while generating consistent inflation positive returns. Wealth protection is more important than wealth creation.

  • By investing in the portfolio, you can move funds across different smallcases as and when you feel markets are overvalued/undervalued.
  • The portfolio has been curated to ensure low volatility.
  • We have backtested the portfolio over 23 years.
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Subscription Plans

Subscribing to this smallcase will give you access to the stocks in the model portfolio of this strategy, as well as access to timely rebalance updates and stock alerts. If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to us.

Why This Pricing?

3 Months

₹ 59 / mo

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A smallcase is a curated basket of stocks/ETFs* that reflects a certain objective (ideas, themes, strategies), backed by the research of Green Portfolio. You can invest in a smallcase in 2 clicks.

*ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are baskets of securities that track an underlying index (Nifty, Gold, etc) and can be bought and sold on the exchange.

By subscribing to a smallcase, you get access to the stocks and weights that are within the portfolio, since we are integrated with 16 of the major brokers in the country, the process of investing in the portfolio, rebalancing in a timely manner, as well as topping up becomes super easy and a one click process. Subscription is a fixed cost regardless of the amount that you choose to invest in the smallcase.

Taxes for smallcases of stocks follow the same guidelines as for individual equities. Short-term capital gains tax of 15% applies to stocks sold within 12 months, excluding losses. Long-term capital gains tax of 10% applies to stocks sold after 12 months with gains exceeding Rs. 1,00,000, effective from April 1, 2018. For more information, please refer to the FAQs provided by the Central Board of Direct Taxes -

Dividends are taxed in the hands of recipients at their applicable rates.

Green Portfolio smallcases are currently available on several brokers including Alice blue, Angel One, AxisDirect, Nuvama, Groww, HDFC Securities, IIFL Securities, Kotak Securities, Motilal Oswal, Trustline, Upstox, Zerodha, 5 paisa, ICICI direct, Dhan, Fundzbazar, and Fisdom. To explore and invest in smallcases, you can log in to your existing account with any of these brokers or open a Demat & trading account with them.

You can schedule a one-on-one meeting with our team and clear all your doubts by scheduling a call here.

You can find the refund policy here.
Investment Performance

Principal Amount



Bank FD

Equity Multi Cap

The 100 Year Portfolio Asset Allocation

The 100 Year Portfolio Asset Allocation

Subscribe at ₹59 per month

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